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EN202 - Writing About Literature - Magagna: Internet Links

Guide for Tony Magagna's EN 202 course (Fall 2021)

Articles and Short Stories

Yu writes for a variety of publications, contributing short fiction, non-fiction, and book reviews. I've put just a sampling below. He also maintains a list on his website (see above).

If you are getting blocked subscription paywalls at various newspapers, don't forget to try the America's News database (see the database tab).

Not sure if your source is "good?"

Claims sound fishy, too-good-to-be-true, or don't line up with what you're reading in other sources? Try a fact-checking service.

ASK for help! Rachel (or any of the research librarians) is happy to take a look at what you've found and make suggestions for fact-checking the information and/or providing corroborating or alternate sources.