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TH141 - Acting One: Reference Books

A guide for acting one (TH141) students to find a monologue by post-1950 American playwrights.

Using Reference Books to Find a Monologue

There are several reference books in the library’s collection that can be helpful for finding a monologue.

These books fall into three main categories:

  1. Monologue Reference Books- Use these to help you identify plays with monologues you may want to use
  2. Playwright/Author Reference Books- Use these to help you identify authors you may be interested in
  3. Play Reference Books- Use these to help you identify specific plays you may be interested in


Monologue Reference Books

Author/Playwright Reference Books

Play Reference Books

Masterplots lists date of first publication, 500 Plays puts the production date in parenthesis and also has a “20th century” section, The Crown Guide lists the date in the paragraphs, Banned Plays lists the date of writing or first production.