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Children's Literature: Finding Guides

A guide to assist in locating and researching children's and young adult literature.

Finding Children's & Young Adult Books Based on Subject or Genre @ Staley Library

You may need to find children's or young adult books in a particular genre, such as historical fiction, graphic novels, poetry or fantasy, or with a plot based on a particular topic or theme, like music, eating disorders, or cats. This isn't too difficult, given how our online catalog works.

1) Type your topic, genre, or theme into the catalog search box & click "Find."

2) After your search, look over on the right side of the screen for the limit/facet that says "Location" and then for the option "Juvenile Collection" & click on that.

3) The list of results will now be limited to options in the juvenile collection, on the 2nd floor. 

(If there is no "Juvenile Collection" option, then we do not have any books in our juvenile collection classified as that topic, or you may need to adjust your search terms...please ask a librarian for help!)

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