If you have questions about the status of your library account, or need assistance to adjust the due date of a Staley Library item, please email: lfines@millikin.edu
If you have questions about the status of items borrowed through ILLiad, please email our Interlibrary Loan department: ill@millikin.edu
Items from Staley Library and other I-Share Libraries are renewable through your online catalog account.
1) Begin by clicking "Search" under Millikin's Library Catalog search box on the library homepage
or, select the link "Start Your Research" on the right side of the screen, then click the link "Millikin's Library Catalog."
2) Sign in with your myMillikin username and password at the next screen.
3) Once logged in, click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen to see your account. In the account menu, click on "My Loans."
4) Once you see your checked out items, you will be able to click in the boxes next to the items you wish to renew, then click on "Renew Selected" at the top of the page. Your new due date should appear. If you receive an error message, or need assistance, please email: lfines@millikin.edu
Loans from each library will be listed separately, so if you have interlibrary loans from I-Share, you will need to click on the library on the left side of the "My Loans" screen in order to see and renew borrowed items from that library. Libraries for which you have active loans will have an icon of a clipboard with a check mark next to them.
If you want to limit the list of libraries to those for which you have active loans, use the filter at the top of the list. Change the option from "All Institutions" to "Has Activity."
ILLiad items are those marked by a pink slip indicating their due date. They are from non I-Share libraries (typically either public libraries and/or libraries outside of Illinois), and therefore cannot be renewed online through I-Share.
To renew ILLiad items, contact the Interlibrary Loan department at: