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MH211/MH314 - Survey of Western Music I & II: Finding Books

A guide for students in MH211 and MH314 researching music history topics from medieval times through the Classical era and from the Romantic era through the present.

Music History @ Staley Library

In the Library of Congress system, books about music history topics are given an "ML" call number.

All books with "ML" call numbers are located on the 3rd floor.

  • ML 159 - 161 (General works on music history & criticism)
  • ML 162 - 197 (Music history & criticism by time period)
  • ML 198 - 360.6 (Music history & criticism by region or country)
  • ML 385 - 429 (Biographies)
  • ML 430 - 458 (Works about compositon and performance)
  • ML 459 - 1380 (Works about instruments & instrumental music)
  • ML 1400 - 3275 (Works about vocal music)
  • ML 3300 - 3351 (Works about program music)
  • ML 3400 - 3465 (Works about dance music)
  • ML 3469 - 3541 (Works about popular music)
  • ML 3544 - 3776 (Works about folk, national, & ethnic music)

Cambridge Companions

Classical Music Reference Library

Catalog Search Box

Search for books, articles, media, & more...


Advanced Search

Finding Books about Composers

1)  First, navigate to the link for Millikin's Online Catalog (on the Staley Library website):

Millikin's Library Catalog

2)  When searching for books about a composer, start by typing in the composer's last name into the search box. If it is a common last name, you may wish to type in the first AND last names. Choose the search option "Library Catalog" or "All I-Share Libraries" to limit your search. Click the search icon or hit "enter."Catalog search for Grieg

3)  Because Staley Library owns many music scores and recordings, and you are looking specifically for books, you will want to filter out the non-book results. On the left side of the screen, under "Tweak Your Results" click the option "Books" under the subheading "Resource Type."

Resource Type- Books

4)  You may have e-Book results, which may or may not be helpful (many of the HathiTrust e-Books are older, public domain books). If you wish to filter out the e-Books and only view results for print books, on the left side of the screen, under "Tweak Your Results" click the option "Book Stacks" under the subheading "Location."

Location- Book Stacks

5)  Your results will be listed below the search box. Check for the availability of the book (in the example below, the green "Available") and the call number. (Call numbers are discussed in further detail on a sub-page of this guide, under the "Finding Books" tab.)

Book results

6)  Sometimes you may not be sure from the title of the book why it was retrieved in your list of results.

If this is the case, click on the title of the book, then click on "Details." Look for the search term(s) to be highlighted in yellow on your screen (in the example below, "Grieg" is found in one of the chapter titles for the book in the Table of Contents).

Book table of contents


Finding Books about a Movement, Era, or Time Period

1)  First, navigate to the link for Millikin's Online Catalog (on the Staley Library website):

Millikin's Library Catalog

2)  When searching for books about a musical movement (for example, Romanticism), era or time period (for example, medieval music), or form (for example, polyphonic music) start by typing in the term or phrase describing the movement, time period, or form  into the search box. Click the search icon or hit "Enter."

Catalog search for "baroque music"

3)  Since you are looking for books, not music scores or recordings, limit your search results to books by clicking on "Book" under "Tweak Your Results--> Resource Type."

Resource Type- Books

4)  Look at your search results and make note of availability and call number of the items you are interested in.

Search results

To learn more about any particular title, click on the title of the book and take a look at the "Details" for descriptions and tables of contents.

Book details