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MU455 - Vocal Pedagogy: ILLiad

A guide for students in MU455 researching topics related to vocal pedagogy.

Creating Your ILLiad Account

You will only need to create your ILLiad account once and it only takes 2 steps!

1. Every time that you access ILLiad you will be prompted to log in using your standard Millikin username and password.

2. The first time that you access ILLiad, the account creating screen will be displayed. Fill out the information (your name, Millikin ID, and e-mail address should be pre-populated): phone, address (home or campus), student or faculty status, and your major or department and the click "Submit Information."

ILLiad create profile screen

You are now ready to use ILLiad for interlibrary loan requests.

Navigating within ILLiad

  Every time that you access ILLiad you will be prompted to log in to myMillikin using your Millikin username and password, unless you are already logged in to myMillikin.

ILLiad main page with menu

Navigation in ILLiad is provided through the links in blue menu bar.

  • Main Menu takes you to the main screen for ILLiad.
  • New Requests allows you to place a request for an item that you found from a citation or a bibliography. Choose the form for the correct item type and fill out as much information as possible.
  • History allows you to to see your completed and cancelled requests and your email notification history. This is great for refreshing your memory and preventing accidental repeat requests.
  • Search allows you to search either by active request or by all your requests.
  • Profile allows you to update your personal information, such as phone, department/major, or address.
  • Logoff allows you to log out of ILLiad.

Under the menu there are some quick action items.

  • Electronically Received Articles allows you to access PDF copies of the articles you have received through interlibrary loan. Use the "View" menu option to view the article. Articles are available for 30 days from the date that they are originally posted.
  • Checked Out Items shows any items such as books, music scores, or multimedia that are currently checked out to you. You can use the "Actions" menu to request a renewal.
  • Outstanding Requests shows your requests that are currently being processed by interlibrary loan staff. You can see the status of the request from the main screen or use the "Details" button to see more information. The "Actions" menu has the option to cancel a pending request.

  All articles in ILLiad are in PDF format. It is always a good idea to save or print the article for your personal use. Look for a "Print" or "Download" option in your browser when you are viewing the PDF.

print and download options in the Chrome browser

How to Access ILLiad

There are several ways that you can access your ILLiad account to request and, in the case of articles, access interlibrary loan materials.

1. In myMillikin, on the right under "Academics" there is a link to ILLiad. (If you use ILLiad frequently, you may want to customize your "Fast Access" menu to include the ILLiad icon.)

ILLiad button in myMillikin

2. On the Library's homepage there is an ILLiad button. There is also an ILLiad Account link under the Services menu on the right side of the page.

ILLiad button from library's homepage

There are also situations where you will be asked to log in to your ILLiad account:

1. When you use the Find It! button in the library databases you will be taken into Millikin Library Discovery. If the article is not available in another database, you will see a Request through Interlibrary Loan link. Clicking on that link will take you into ILLiad and the citation information will automatically be added to the request.

Request through interlibrary loan link

 You will need to be logged into Millikin Library Discovery to see the Request through Interlibrary Loan link.

2. When you are placing an interlibrary loan request for an item in WorldCat.

ILL/Request from other Library