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MH316/IN350- Introduction to Ethnomusicology: Finding Videos

A guide to researching ethnomusicology at Staley Library.

Online Videos

Try browsing our online video databases for the subject "music" or "ethnomusicology."

Finding DVDs

Because most films have a music soundtrack of some kind, searching "music" as a keyword in our online catalog is not an effective search.

Instead for a general search to see what DVDs we own about music, or, of musical performances:

  • Click on "Advanced Search"

Advanced search

  • Search for "music," "jazz," "opera," etc. as "Subject" contains

Advanced Search for subject- Music

  • Once you have done your search, use the "Resource Type" limit, to the left of the search results, to limit results to "Videos"

Resource Type- Videos

Some results will be online (just click on the title to see the link to access), some will be DVDs in our video stacks on the 4th floor (these will have call numbers, and you can click on titles to see request options).

Video title results