In the Library of Congress system, books about nursing and other medical topics are given an "R" call number.
All books with "R" call numbers are located on the 2nd floor.
To search for books on a nursing or medical topic owned by Staley Library, use the Millikin Library Discovery search box on our homepage:
1) Type your search terms into the catalog search box and click "Find."
2) Take a look at your search results and identify a result that potentially addresses your research question. In Millikin Library Discovery, the default search is "Search Starter," which includes both book and article results. If you want to limit to books, use the "Tweak Your Results" facet on the left side of the screen and click "Resource Type- Books."
3) Then, click on the title of a book you are interested in to see more information and to request it (clicking on the tack icon will add the book to your favorites list if you sign in to your account using your Millikin username and password).
In the section labeled details, below the brief information about the book, you will see the table of contents and other information.
4) Follow these directions to place a request for the book (if you are not already signed in, do so now by clicking "sign in" and then entering your Millikin username and password). If you want to locate the book in the stacks yourself:
Check the call number and the status.
Call numbers: Rs are on the 2nd floor of the library. See the "Call Numbers" tab for more explanation of how Library of Congress call numbers work.
Status: Available means it is here, and available for checkout.
E-books: If you see the status of "Available Online" and no call number, click on the title of the item, then on "view full text" to access the text of the book.