At Millikin’s Library, we use a system called “Library of Congress” to organize our resources.
When you search in Millikin’s Online Catalog, to find if a book that is available for you to take home, look at the “Status,” the “Call Number,”and the "Location."
Here’s an example of a Call Number for Nursing Theorists and Their Work edited by Ann Marriner Tomey and Martha Raile Alligood. In the online catalog, the call number is listed as RT 84.5 .N9 2018 with a location of "Book Stacks."
How the call number will look on the book's label:
RT (Find these letters using alphabetical order. RT comes after RS, but before RU)
84.5 (Treat this 84.5 just like any number. It comes after 84, and before 85.)
.N9 (After finding the RT section and the number 84.5 area, use the alphabet again to find the Ns on the third line
of the call number. Treat the numbers paired with the letters as decimals... 0.9)
2018 (The date the book was published, in this case, 2018)